Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring - 2011

The fun is yet to start in 1st grade. After Spring Break, we have a ton of fun activities to do. The units that will be taught are as follows: insects, life cycles of frogs and butterflies, plants, landforms and Spring (weather). This is my favorite part of the year. We are now building on everything that we have learned in math. We still have new reading skills to cover but we will be working a lot on fluency and phonics. Please keep a watch out for homework each night. I will be sending different things home during the week, so watch homework binders.
Easter is just a few more weeks away and Mrs. Davis' class will have a egg hunt and party on the Thursday before Easter. I will send home more information closer to date.
The 1st grade teachers are in the process of planning a Spring field trip. More information will come when we decide where we are going.
There are 9 weeks left for the 1st graders before they are dismissed for Summer Break. I have a lot planned for the next 9 weeks so please make sure your child is at school each day.

Monday, January 31, 2011

February is here! There are tons of activities taking place this month. The King and Queen of Hearts Dance will be on Friday, February 11 from 5-7. The crowning will take place at 7. We will have a Valentine Party on February 14 at 2:00. I will send home information on Feb. 1. The next SWPBS Celebration will take place at 8:15 Friday, Feb. 11. Keep earning those Jet Fuels so you can attend and have fun.
Our class is still very busy learning all types of new skills in reading and math. Telling time and counting money is just around the corner so start practicing those skills. The most important thing is to READ, READ, READ!
Keep checking the blog for more information.